Ministerial Alliance Meeting About Gang & Gun Violence Strategy

Today I received several messages asking about what meeting was held last night.

I understand there was a meeting last night to talk about gang and gun violence.

As one person stated it was some affluent leaders present. I heard it was law enforcement and pastors. I guess because of their titles they are to be considered affluent. Well I disagree.

In order for these folk to be influential they would need to do something to make them such. If one hold a title and that is all they does is just what their title consist of, then they are just doing their jobs. When they step out of their jobs and do something in the community that is when they become an influence for me.

Now back to the meeting. I have talked to several folk today and been trying to reach out to some that attended the meeting.

I was told that the meeting was suppose to be for pastors and law enforcement. No media was invited. I was told that law enforcement suppose to have come without anyone else staff nor officers or deputies. However I understand that a couple of folk attended who were not supposed to have been there. I understand because of a special guest there was not suppose to be any conversation publicly about the meeting before, during and after.

I was told that it was discussed to some degree on WNCR TV this morning and also on social media.

I have a problem with the meeting last night because when the meeting began it should have been treated just like the churches who have conference meetings although there are many who run their churches and probably don’t have conference meetings. However I would bet that every pastor is familiar with conference meetings and other meetings that know that if you ain’t suppose to be there, you are asked to leave. This definitely should have happened last night. Why would anyone want to attend a group meeting when the hosts of the meetings will not hold themselves accountable by stating who could attend and if you were not a pastor or top law enforcement officials.

When it comes to meetings anybody that know me know I don’t play. I am not in a meeting to play nor joke because we are dealing with folk livelihood. Also being a real leader come with criticism and that is why most probably don’t do anything publicly where it need to be done due to the criticism.

I ain’t got time for scared folk because scared folk are dangerous.

I will wait to see how the Alliance move forward.

Rocky Mount NC – Black Ministerial Alliance Say Something

It is a damn shame that the Rocky Mount Ministerial Alliance have not spoken out about the shootings in Rocky Mount.

It saddens me to hear about you having meetings and I never hear about or see you at a Rocky Mount City Council meeting speaking out about concerns that affect your congregation and Rocky Mount as a whole.

You have been silent while Rocky Mount City Councilmen Andre Knight and Reuben Blackwell and sometimes when all of the Black Councilmen have been singled out. There are also issues that the Alliance ought to address in the past and in the future.

You have been silent on issues pertaining to the Edgecombe County Board of Commissioners, Edgecombe County Sheriff Office and other along with the same on the Nash County side.

But every now and then I hear about the Alliance has met with certain elected officials around election time. Okay, so I am waiting to hear about the Alliance meeting to speak out about the shootings and other issues that affect your congregations and all of Rocky Mount.

Y’all need to do better! Y’all need to say something.