Redistricting trial over, NC’s political future pending

The Political Agitator’s response: This makes no sense. It is evident that this was gerrymandering at its best. Just do the right thing and let the people vote.

The trial that will likely decide North Carolina’s political future for at least the rest of the decade is over. Now, the courts will decide whether they can and should intervene.

At issue are the political maps the state legislature drew, part of the constitutionally required process to recalibrate democratic representation after each census.

Because these maps control the grouping of voters of different political affiliations together, they have the power to make elections competitive between the political parties or to lock in power for one political party with little regard for how the other performs.

Republicans in the state legislature drew North Carolina’s maps last year. The maps heavily favor Republicans, according to expert analysis presented in the case.

Wanting to challenge the maps before they could be used in 2022 elections, three sets of groups sued, naming as defendants Republican legislative leadership, including House leader Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger, as well as the Republican heads of the redistricting committees that actually drew the maps.

The three trial court judges must rule in this case by Tuesday. Then, the parties have two days to appeal, which is highly likely. Any appeals will be taken up directly by the state Supreme Court. (Read more)

Redistricting Trial Started Today January 3, 2022 At 10 AM And Expected To Last 4 Days

Good afternoon everyone,

Happy New Year, I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season!

The Redistricting trial started today at 10 am due to an hour delay caused by loss of power in the courtroom – Common Cause is one of 3 plaintiff groups challenging the legislative and congressional maps on partisan gerrymandering.

  • Our trial is before a 3 judge Superior Court panel made up of two Republicans and one Democrat  (Panel appointed by State Supreme Court Chief Justice)
  • The trial is to last just 4 days with a decision to be made no later than January 11th
  • Win or lose the case will presumably be appealed to our state Supreme Court for an expedited trial. (I have optimism that we prevail – the maps are invalidated, and new ones are drawn – hopefully by the courts)

WRAL will be live-streaming the trial at this link.

You can continue to contact your legislators and contact the chairs and co-chairs of the redistricting committees to voice your thoughts and concerns regarding the redistricting process.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks again for your support of fair redistricting in North Carolina.

Tyler Daye and Rotrina Campbell

Common Cause NC Redistricting Organizers

Rotrina Campbell

NC Redistricting Organizer


P. 267.535.0279