Cohen tells Union school board to follow COVID requirements or face possible legal action

The Union County school board needs to rescind a new policy that eliminates COVID-19 quarantine measures for most students and staff by 5 p.m. Friday, or “legal action may be required to protect the public’s health,” North Carolina’s top health official said Wednesday.

Dr. Mandy Cohen, Secretary of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, wrote a letter to the Union County school board Wednesday. She urges the board to follow required policies for quarantining, isolating and excluding students, teachers and staff who have either tested positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19.

Not following the rules poses “an imminent hazard to public health,” Cohen wrote to UCPS Board of Education Chairperson Melissa Merrell.

“I want to highlight the concern that the action of the Union County Board of Education poses an imminent threat of serious adverse health consequences for students, teachers, staff and the public more broadly,” Cohen wrote.

Merrell responded to The Observer’s request for comment late Wednesday night. Her response was a link to a statement from the board following the Monday, Sept. 13 meeting where board members voted 8-1 to do away with contact tracing and most quarantine stipulations. The statement is posted on the district’s website and was published Wednesday. (Read more)

Asking For A Friend! Quarantine Or Not

I am asking for me! They say if the children are around a child that tested positive for COVID that the other children don’t have to be quarantined if they wear their mask consistently. Hell I see adults not wearing theirs properly all the time not covering their nose. Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/12/2021

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! Stats On Edgecombe/Nash County Students Testing Positive For COVID/Quarantined

I want to know how many students have tested positive for COVID-19 and how many have been sent home to be quarantined since the 2021-2022 school year began? I’ll wait! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 9/6/2021