The NFL released a statement backing players protesting social issues, including Colin Kaepernick – Business Insider

The NFL on Tuesday released a statement that backing players who have raised awareness about social issues — including Colin Kaepernick, though they didn’t mention his full name.

“The National Football League believes in dialogue, understanding and unity. We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities,” the statement read.

“The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”

The statement also highlighted some of the charitable work NFL players have done to support different causes. (Read more)

NFL Protests: It’s time to have a REAL conversation about police brutality!

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NFL players hit back over anthem policy — get ready for another political football season

In May, NFL team owners agreed on a new policy to fine teams next season if their players do not stand during the national anthem. The move took many by surprise and was seen as a victory for President Trump, who had spent more than a year publicly criticizing NFL players for kneeling, and the league for allowing them to kneel.

Now the NFL Players Association has filed an official grievance against the policy.

On Tuesday, the NFLPA filed a non-injury grievance on behalf of all players, and said in a statement, “This new policy, imposed by the NFL’s governing body without consultation with the NFLPA, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on player rights.” (Read more)

Obviously It Is An Issue NFL Anthem Protest

The NFL rule says a player can stay in the locker room while the national anthem is played. However some coaches have taken it upon themselves to tell their players they must come out and stand.

So it is obvious those who have a problem with the players staying in the locker room and kneeling during the anthem is ignant to the facts, in denial or don’t give a damn about others freedom of speech. Oh but the same folk will say it is about freedom.

I am so damn glad I can see, read and comprehend for myself.

Hypocrisy In Sports

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NFL star Malcolm Jenkins reflects on the power of protest as new season looms – News

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The Bell Tolls: Cowboys players apparently unable and unwilling to challenge Jerry Jones’ anthem policy – USA Today

The Gate Keeper: response: But when do the white players stand with the black players and say we are unified and that they support the movement? Damn shame when you have folk like myself out here speaking truth to power broke but these guys got money and scared to take a stand! Damn they may as well be on the damn plantation.

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Jerry Jones’ Son Stephen Confirms Any Cowboys Player That Protests Against Racism & Police Brutality During Anthem Will Be Punished – BSO

The Gate Keeper: I totally agree with the author of this post. Damn the whole team ought to protest and see what happens then. Damn shame!

As I have reported in the past, the Cowboys have been very clear behind the scenes with their players that if they protest against racism during the anthem, they will be punished severely.

Jerry Jones has said it, and now Stephen Jones has confirmed it while appearing on Norm and D Invasion on 1310 The Ticket here is a full transcript of what Stephen Jones had to say.

There are a couple of points I’d like to make to what Stephen Jones had to say.

The first one is the NFL, . . .  (Read more)