Pastors, Educators, Leaders, Parents & Others Tickles The Hell Out Of Me, If You Are Scared Say It! Don’t Blame Me!

Some Black folk tickles the hell out of me when they talk about issues in the Black Community as it relates to Black Issues but then when an adult challenge adults be they educators, parents, pastors and community leaders some get offended. But then they wonder why we have issues? Hell if you get mad when you are questioned what do you think the children see? They see we can’t agree to disagree but we expect the children to. LOL!

Yes I use some choice words because some of you don’t get it until you get distracted by a choice word. But hell the children hear it in the home, on the TV and where ever they go.

I respond to folk so if you don’t like it, then Block me or tell me to Block you.

We as a Black folk as a whole have to call black black, white white, right right, wrong wrong and stopping being silent about real issues and people that affect our communities.

I ain’t mad with anybody. But I am sick of the double standards and Black folk who are afraid to address real issues and people.

Some folk are quick to talk about what is going on out of your community, state or where ever that do not affect you directly however may affect you indirectly. If you ain’t going to talk about real issues and people then stop with the subliminal messages and responding to things by changing the narrative.

If you want to be about change, then don’t be afraid to speak out. You play a role in what goes on around me either with you voicing your opinion and/or in you silence.

Silence speaks volume.

I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!

Don’t blame me because I ain’t scared!

About The DCN

The DCN News Blog Online TV is Your Alternative News Source. I Curmilus Butch Dancy II operate out of pocket as I travel Edgecombe County but not limited to documenting the News and Events via Video and Photos. Videos are documented on a DVD and/or Livestreamed on Facebook and also on Youtube. Photos are documented on Facebook and a Flash Drive that can be taken to Walmart, Walgreen or somewhere that Photos can be developed. If documented on a DVD it may be available within 24 hours however Livestreamed documents are just that live unless WI-FI is an issue so therefore may have to be uploaded to Social Media shortly after the Event.

Donations are accepted.

I am Curmilus Butch Dancy II a Community and Political Activist since the late 80’s. I have put in the time and resources by serving as an Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Vice Chair, currently a Precinct Chair, served as the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Chair, served on the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee since the late 80’s. I currently serve on NC State Democratic Party Executive Committee. I have attended political meetings and continue to attend political meetings across the county but not limited to. Not only have I attended them but have videoed them.