Do Your Homework, Rocky Mount Comprehensive Plan, Do Not Mislead And Be Mislead Folk

I received a call on Saturday asking me did I see Rocky Mount Councilman TJ Walker post saying Congressman GK Butterfield gave Rocky Mount crumbs and how much he gave Wilson and other places. The person said it was on Bronson Williams page and I think she said Bronson shared it.

I told the person I was sent TJ comment however the problem I had with it was he tried to link it to the Comprehensive Plan that Rocky Mount and town councils does that are most of the time on a 10 year timeframe if I am correct.

The lady said the council had some explaining to do and did I think TJ was going to bring it up at the next meeting. I said they been talking about it was time to re-do the Comprehensive Plan before Butterfield gave the money. But again Butterfield had nothing to do with the city comprehensive plan.

I don’t know everything but I have been actively engaged in Rocky Mount politics dating back to the 80’s long before any of the councilmen who are serving now and also for many years. So when the ignants talk about yeah old folk need to get out of the way and throwing off responding to me saying I been engaged since the 80’s trying to make me look ignant but you see they are the ignant ones because they don’t know what the hell they are talking about TJ, JKelly Walker and their young friends. I could be a resource to them because I know what the hell I am talking about and when I do I do my homework unlike some folk. I could be a resource because I know folk on the local, state and national level that could help them along the way but you see they act live they done figured something out.

Because some councilmembers are playing the us against them mess, TJ, JKelly, Elijah Lige Daughtridge, and Tom Harris and Mayor Sandy Roberson, Rocky Mount City Council is going to experience some attempted slow growth. Because these guys have a problem with Andre Knight, Reuben Blackwell and Richard Joyner, these guys are want them off the council. They say they are old but damn I guess the Whites meet their age requirement. But when they recognize and understand that age is only a factor when it comes to qualifications once on the board age is no longer a factor.

It is my opinion that there is a movement with some Black folk who are aligning themselves with Mayor Sandy Robinson and some more Whites to put them in elected places such as Congress and other. TJ said GK gave Rocky Mount crumbs but I have never taken any money from folk but I have been at the table and seen some folk take money from Whites.

Nash County is getting a lot of resources from Rocky Mount side while Edgecombe County side has been getting crumbs for years and these young Black folk are teaming up with Nash County folk. Well TJ and JKelly live on Nash side so I guess they don’t give a damn about Black folk on the Edgecombe side.

I could go on but I am going to stop here so you can learn about what a Comprehensive Plan is and how it does not have a damn thing to do with GK Butterfield nor now Congressman Don Davis.

Now yes Rocky Mount should go after and receive State Funding but you need to know how the process works.

The following is what a Comprehensive Plan is and who can participate in the process. I highlighted the following because some folk are too damn lazy to click on the link to read it for themselves but for those who want to know more, click on Comprehensive Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan serves as the City’s official policy document for the City Council, Planning Board, other Boards and the Administration when addressing growth. There are three key components of any comprehensive planning process: gathering and analyzing data on existing conditions; developing goals, objectives, and strategies and preparing the plan. When developing the comprehensive planning process, the City made a strong commitment to conduct a completely open and inclusive planning process. Throughout the comprehensive planning process, everyone who lived or worked in Rocky Mount had an opportunity to participate. All Steering Committee meetings were posted and open to the public and held on a regular basis. This open comprehensive planning process has resulted in a Comprehensive Plan that, as it is implemented, will result in an improved quality of life for all residents.