Sheriff: Wilson man charged in pregnant woman’s killing

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: Thank you Sheriff Calvin Woodard and others for you work. I remember this and it posted on social media that this party had some ties to some folk in Rocky Mount. This is so sad.

A Wilson man who served prison time on a manslaughter conviction faces two murder charges in a shooting that killed an expectant mother and her baby.

Wilson County sheriff’s deputies have charged 26-year-old Success Angelo Chandler Jr. of 306 Thurston Drive with first-degree murder and murder of an unborn child. Chandler turned himself in on Friday.

Investigators say Chandler killed 29-year-old Precious Bernetta Dyer during a Christmas party at the Evolution Music Hall outside Wilson around 1:30 a.m. Dec. 26. Dyer, a 2010 Beddingfield High School graduate and U.S. Navy veteran, was engaged to fiancé Timothy Johnson and was four months pregnant with her first child, a boy.

RELATED STORY: Pregnant woman shot, killed

Sheriff Calvin Woodard Jr. said Chandler is a validated Crips gang member and suggested either the gang code of silence or fear of retribution prevented witnesses from . . . (Read more)