Benghazi Gate Deflates as Republicans Abandon Fox and Grasp Reality – PoliticusUSA

Response: “Ignorance will never end. Even those with money can’t buy SENSE!!” Author: Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator

Being Ignant

“Know that being ignant is not always a bad thing, however it is a bad thing when you don’t do anything about it especially when you are trying to discredit others. Know what you are talking about when you open your mouth so you will not make a damn fool out of yourself.” Curmilus Dancy II The Political Agitator Tuesday April 3, 2012

Today, after former CIA Director General Petraeus very slowly explained to confused, befuddled Republicans what everyone in the world already knew, they saw the light. Yes, I called the fail this morning but who knew it would be so sudden and decisive.

It turns out that the intelligence report sent to Congress that Ambassador Rice also based her talking points on was just that. The report was approved by the CIA. Later they changed their assessment. (More)

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