Amid Pressure, House Passes Fiscal Deal – The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Ending a climactic fiscal showdown in the final hours of the 112th Congress, the House late Tuesday passed and sent to President Obama legislation to avert big income tax increases on most Americans and prevent large cuts in spending for the Pentagon and other government programs. (More)

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Fiscal Cliff

President Obama needs to do the House Republicans what President Kennedy did . . .

Eric Smith

President Obama needs to do the House Republicans what President Kennedy did to the owners of the steel companies after they’d double crossed him in 1962 and raised steel prices after the president had gotten the Union to make major concessions in order to keep steel prices down and that it is to have the Attorney General direct the IRS to do a tax audit of every last one of those House Republicans. That will shake them up!

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Fiscal Cliff


Eric Smith


Curmilus Butch Dancy II

But the sad part the local everyday, middle class and other die hard RACIST still don’t get it or they are in denial. But I guess they think they are exempt but they are going to get it tomorrow when their taxes are higher.

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Fiscal Cliff

House Won’t Vote Before Midnight On ‘Cliff’ Deal – WITN

The House will miss the midnight Monday deadline lawmakers set for voting to avoid the "fiscal cliff."

House Republicans notified lawmakers that the chamber will vote Monday evening on other bills. They say that will be their only votes of the day.

President Barack Obama and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Monday they are near a deal to avoid wide-ranging tax increases and spending cuts — the fiscal cliff — that take effect with the new year. (More)

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Fiscal Cliff

Rep. Butterfield: We’ll fall off fiscal cliff – Wilson Times

Wilson County’s congressman thinks the United States will tumble over the fiscal cliff on Jan. 1, but if he has his way, the middle-class tax hikes will be short-lived.

Rep. G.K. Butterfield said eleventh-hour bickering has tempered his optimism for a deal between Democrats and Republicans to avoid the combination of tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts. (More)

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Fiscal Cliff

John Boehner Pressured By Some To Let Democrats Pass Fiscal Cliff Bill – HuffPost Politics

WASHINGTON — In case the public weren’t frustrated enough over Congress’ failure to resolve the "fiscal cliff," consider this: lawmakers probably could enact a compromise quickly and easily if Republican leaders let Democrats provide most of the votes.

That would give Democrats a bigger voice in the bargain, of course, which the Republican-led House is loath to do. That’s why about 10 percent of the House’s members – staunch anti-tax conservatives – were able to thwart Speaker John Boehner’s bid to pass a narrowly crafted bill that might have strengthened his bargaining hand. (More)

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Fiscal Cliff

President Delivers a New Offer on the Fiscal Crisis to Boehner – The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Obama delivered Speaker John A. Boehner a new offer on Monday to resolve the pending fiscal crisis — and what may be close to a final deal, which would raise revenues by $1.2 trillion over the next decade but keep in place the Bush-era tax rates for any household with earnings below $400,000. (More)

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Fiscal Cliff

Open Letter to the North Carolina Congressional Delegation from the North Carolina NAACP and Faith Leaders Regarding the "Fiscal Cliff"


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December 13, 2012


Open Letter to the North Carolina Congressional Delegation from the North Carolina NAACP and Faith Leaders Regarding the "Fiscal Cliff"


Dear North Carolina Delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate:


           As civil rights and moral leaders we first draw your attention to the sacred words of Scripture in this Holy Season from the words of the prophet Isaiah:


Isaiah 10:


1Woe to those who make unjust laws,
    to those who issue oppressive decrees,
2 to deprive the poor of their rights
    and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,
making widows their prey
    and robbing the fatherless.
3 What will you do on the day of reckoning,
    When disaster comes from afar?
To whom will you run for help?
    Where will you leave your riches?


           Unless action is taken to avert it before then, the United States will be faced with what has become known as the "fiscal cliff" on January 2, 2013. Under this scenario, automatic, across-the-board spending cuts of about $109 billion per year are scheduled to take place: this means that almost every federal discretionary program will be facing a reduction in its budget of approximately 8.6%. Also, a number of tax cuts which were first enacted under President George W. Bush, and which affect all Americans from the wealthiest among us to those with little or no income, are set to expire as of December 31, 2012. Finally, the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, which currently helps more than 5 million long-term unemployed Americans, will end as of December 31, 2012, unless it is reauthorized.


           We the undersigned faith and civil rights leaders represent marginalized communities across the state of North Carolina. On their behalf, we ask each of you to avoid this devastating attack on poor people, working people, minorities, students, the elderly, women and the handicapped. Due to the disproportionate impact the fiscal cliff would have on the most vulnerable among us, the NAACP has consistently called on Congress and the Administration to put aside their partisan bickering and develop a balanced budget which makes the tax code more fair and does not do additional harm to the programs which serve us all, especially the most vulnerable among us.


           The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has determined that if Congress and the President do not act, and America is allowed to fall off the "fiscal cliff," our nation will be slammed back into a recession with national unemployment levels reaching over 9% by the end of the year (unemployment rates for African Americans tend to be roughly double that of the national average at any given time). The funding cuts will affect both defense and non-defense programs; it is estimated that as many as 2 million Americans, including police officers, teachers, air traffic controllers, and civilian defense workers may lose their jobs as a result.


           Other groups estimate that if none of the tax breaks are reauthorized, the average, middle class family making between $40,000 and $64,000 annually will be facing a $2,000 increase in their annual tax bill. And if the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program is allowed to expire, more than 2 million Americans will lose their jobless benefits as of January 1, 2013, and another 1 million will lose them as of April 2013. It is fair to say that between the cuts in services, the tax increases, and the loss of unemployment benefits, no person, family, community, or business will not feel the effects if we fall off the "fiscal cliff."


           It is clear that Congress and the Administration must work together over the next six weeks to develop a federal budget and avoid the potential devastation of the "fiscal cliff." This will most likely involve all aspects of the federal budget, including entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and Veterans’ benefits.


           We further urge Congress to use this opportunity to focus on job creation and avoid any actions that would cost jobs; oppose benefit cuts for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; protect our nation’s safety net; and oppose any extension of the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2 percent of Americans.




Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II, President

North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP

Historic Thousands on Jones Street People’s Assembly Coalition, Convener

Greenleaf Christian Church, Pastor



Rev. Dr. Cardes H. Brown, Jr,

NC NAACP Religious Affairs Committee, Chair

Greensboro Branch of the NAACP, President

New Light Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor



Rev. Jimmie Woodson

NC NAACP Religious Affairs Committee, Co-Chair

St. James Home of Fresh Start Church, Pastor



Rev. Dr. Howard Parker

General State Baptist Convention of NC, President

Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor



Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr.

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME), Senior Bishop

Washington, DC and Charlotte, NC


Bishop George E. Battle, Jr.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AME-Z), Bishop

Piedmont Episcopal District



Rev. Dr. Gregory Moss

Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention, President

St. Paul Baptist Church, Pastor



Rev. Rodney Sadler

Union Presbyterian Seminary, Professor

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Associate Pastor



Rev. Philip R. Cousin, Jr.

St. Joseph AME Church, Pastor



Rev. Moses Goldmon

Prince Chapel CME Church, Pastor



Rev. Kojo Nantambu

Religious Education Advocacy Project of the NC NAACP, Director

Charlotte Branch of the NAACP, President



Rev. Curtis E. Gatewood

Historic Thousands on Jones Street Coalition Coordinator

North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP



Rev. Alfonso McGlenn

Bethel AME Church, Pastor




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NCNAACP | 114 W. Parrish Street | Second Floor | Durham | NC | 27701


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Fiscal Cliff

Sherrod Brown Exposes GOP’s Motives For Deep Entitlement Cuts – ThinkProgress

As President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) continue to do battle over a fiscal cliff deal, another Ohio legislator, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), soundly rejected the idea that Republicans are truly concerned with saving public programs like Social Security and Medicare. On Monday, Brown appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to blast the Republicans’ insistence on including severe cuts in entitlement programs to avert the impending fiscal cliff. (More)

The fiscal cliff deal comes clearer: a 37% top tax rate and a higher Medicare eligibility age – The Washington Post

Something hilarious happened in the Senate on Thursday.

The White House has been pushing a plan to transfer authority for the debt ceiling to the executive. They call it the McConnell plan, because it’s based on an idea Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell proposed in July 2011. (More)