The Subprime Student Loan Racket – Stephen Burd

Hi Friends,

We should all ask ourselves a few questions with respect to this issue:

· When will we seriously address this issue and help those seeking a better understanding?  Silence is NOT an option for winning in this case and educational costs are dramatically increasing as more "good" schools are becoming ever competitive.

· What "black" groups are responsible for organizing and REPORTING and "cheering" this issue to the public that they serve?  Is it the NAACP?  Caucus?  Sororities & Fraternities?  Who?

· Could it be that we are really afraid that we might win a battle for the community good while losing a bit of our own "good boy & girl" brownie points with the larger & dominant community?  I mean, we have nothing more to lose in some towns other than the paltry 50 percent of High School students that do graduate (that leaves a 50% drop out rate) as representing our "BEST AND Brightest".  Scared?  Yep – I can understand as I am sure Dr. King, Gandhi, Shirley Chisholm, Malcolm, and others had a bit of "caution" fear for addressing the ills of their day – Yet, they did because they were true LEADERS. They organized and did not first run to the cameras and newspapers for their personal 15 seconds of fame. True leadership is about taking calculated risks for a greater good and not about just saving individual "political capital" at the expense of the masses they claim to represent.

Read all about The Subprime Student Loan Racket – Stephen Burd

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