Believe In The Current Political System?

Believe in the political system? Well what I do know is it exist and I will not allow the system to do things that affect me without me saying something whether I affect change or not. However I do know I have affected change on the local level.

The problem is not so much as the system as it is Negroes, need to grow black folks. I have seen so many black folks who work the political system for their own self gain but claiming to be for the people. Hell I found out since I have been involved in politics since the early 90’s that black folks are the ones who help "them" hold us right where we are. And black will allow it to happen without calling them out. Well that is what I have been doing over the years calling out folks especially black folks who I strongly feel and could document was and continue to hold us right where we are. However I recognize and understand that until good black folks want to see change and will hold other black folks accountable for their actions nothing will change.

White folks ain’t crazy they know they need black folks to win elections so look at who they have running their campaigns and/or at the top of their campaigns.

Until enough black folks want to change the way we want to do politics then I have no choice but to challenge the system that is in place whether I like it or not. FACT is it exist and it ain’t goings nowhere until we make it happen so until then, it is what it is.