Y’all Keep On Allowing Folk To Talk Negative About You Thinking It Does Not Matter

Y’all keep on allowing folk to talk negative about you thinking that it does not matter. Well it should because those who they talk to about you should say something but when they do not, that is a problem.

See y’all keep thinking them ole sayings are good like, "sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt." Sounds good but a lie. There has been folk killed, locked up, homes broke up, jobs lost and the list goes on.

I refuse to be silent to things that matter. The DCN 4/30/2023

May be a black-and-white image of text that says 'Anybody who easily believes lies about you without hearing your side of the story was already looking for a way to be against you.'

Y’all Better Understand They Don’t Give A Damn About You!

I look at some folk sideways because I see they are trying to make folk mad with other folk because it is something they want.

I respond to what folk say and they get mad because they are used to folk not saying anything. But see that was because I was in their circle not so much as a friend but as an associate. Now that I ain’t a part of their circle the game changed.

See now the fire the light the Smoke is different. The DCN Smoke ain’t no joke.

Now Run & Tell That! The DCN 4/30/2023 8:25