Damn Those Who Are Trying To Disrespect The Black Rocky Mount City Councilmen, Look At How They See What The Problem Is But Still Misleading The Citizens

The disrespect and the lies needs to end. I have no problem with trues but these Special C’s and Ignant Black Folk need to be responded to not only from the real Black Councilmen but also real Black Community leaders and real everyday Citizens.

Read the following comments and see how damn contradictory they are and ignant to the facts. They are double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

Some highlights:

Melissa says, “The problem begins with the people & will end with the people.” So you are talking about Black People.

The True Rocky says, “Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road” What in the hell have the council got to do with that? I have not seen one crime committed in Rocky Mount where a councilmember has been charged.

If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Hell no your recollection ain’t right. I have been attending the meetings long before any of the current councilmembers have been on the council. The only person who have been there longer is the Attorney Jeb Rose. I have seen the progress from dealing with the damn light bills (ElectriCities) because just before Andre Knight got on the council myself along with Lewis Turner, Carol Batchelor, Amanda Taylor and a couple of others were having meetings about the light bills and during a meeting at Truth Tabernacle Church it came out about the (ElectriCities). Andre got on the council he got on the (ElectriCities) Board and he fought to get changes and was successful. The previous council before the Mayor Sandy Claus, Lige Daughtridge, TJ Walker, JKelly Walker and Tom Harris came on board had been more transparent than any council. They have been working on housing, downtown development and other.

Adrienne sums up what the real problem is but blaming the council. The council do not own these folk property so damn they can’t do anything with it until they go through the lengthy process to take the property. 

Melissa Weaver

The problem begins with the people & will end with the people, and in the middle is the city & its representation. There are ordinances & building codes in place that have not been properly enforced for MANY years. IMHO, that is why the blight has continued to increase in RM for years & will only get worse. I was born & raised in RM; lived in RM all of my life until about 20 years ago when my mother (also born & raised in RM) & I moved out into Edgecombe County. I still care, but I see RM rapidly turning into a ghost town. I appreciate & admire people like you & Adrienne who have the wherewithal & ability to get out there & try to make a difference. I will support you the best way that I can.

The True Rocky Mount

Melissa Weaver Thank you so much Melissa! As in one of my other videos, I am predicting that at it’s current rate, Rocky Mount will become a slum! If 7-11 can get robbed within SIX MONTHS of being here, and on a very busy road, we are in serious troubl

Melissa Weaver

The True Rocky Mount I absolutely agree, but to my eye & thinking, RM has basically already turned into a slum compared to what it WAS. In 1978 when I graduated from RMSH, RM was a thriving, growing small city. If recollection serves me correctly, it has been in a downward spiral since probably 1999 & it’s just getting worse. Again, I thank you. I will follow & support you however I can. I am interested in knowing how long you have been in the area. It’s quite refreshing to hear & see your perspective here on your page.

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount ·

This house is beautiful inside and could be restored. But there’s also a mortgage lien on the house for around $50,000. I contacted the owner a few years ago and he wouldn’t sell it unless he could get some money oot of it. He wanted 10 grand. But taxes and assessments were almist 14k at that point. Add in the vmortgage, and someone would have to pay an impossible amount–way more than the property is worth. This is the problem. The owners have no incentive to fix the house or pay the liens. They can let the property rot and the city won’t foreclose. The house deteriorates and attracts crime. So the whole neighborhood suffers.

The True Rocky Mount

Adrienne Loves Rocky Mount WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I got the exact same response to the property right next to me, get this…Taxes, grass cutting fees, and house demolition totals $20,000, and to top that off, the IRS has a $975,000 lien on it. I was able to work something out with the IRS, but i would have to pay all the other fees and taxes, AND the owner don’t want to sell it because they want something out of it, SICK!

Folk do your homework and if you don’t know ask somebody because you are being mislead by the disrespectors and the liars and I know they are lying and they know they are lying.

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