Open Letter To Mayor Sandy Roberson Rocky Mount NC

Who gives a damn about how many comments you received from folk about the last city council meeting whereby Councilman Andre Knight responded to the disrespect of Troy Davis who accused the 5 Black Councilmen of an issue he had a problem with? First of all if Troy had picked up the phone and called and asked the 5 he would not have come to the meeting with that mess. But he came with disrespect and then wonā€™t ready for the comeback.

I have not heard one person say that Andre should not have done what he did and that Troy got what he asked for. Now I am just talking about the folk who have contacted me because I was not at the meeting but I have received messages and talked to many folk up until today. Actually somebody just sent me your letter.

Where is the damn lie? Everybody has the opportunity to sign up and address the council and nobody was denied.

How in the hell are you going to point out the so-called personal attack from Andre but you overlooked the attack from Troy? That is double-minded and double-minded folk are dangerous.

You say yā€™all can do better. Hell yeah it starts with you because you are in control of the meetings the last time I checked because the mayor carries out the meetings. You have allowed mess to go on during public comments and have not addressed the disrespect.

Why in the hell do you feel the citizens are passionate but you and your colleagues canā€™t be. First yā€™all are citizens and then elected officials. Just because the disrespect coming from some who address the council, you need to recognize and understand that yā€™all are citizens and you represent yourself as a citizen then councilmen along with your family and citizens who supports you.

In my closing, all of you are grown ass men and you are in control over the meetings. See the problem is citizens need to understand that when they come up to address the council that the council has the last say. So when the citizens disrespects the council, when the council chooses to respond, now the citizen donā€™t want to hear them trues.

So when you take control of your meetings then the disrespect should go away but until such time, I will be pissed if the disrespect is not addressed right then and there.

Your apology is not accepted by me because you should have addressed Troy when he cursed and walked away from the podium and said this will not be tolerated. But hell no you did not.

The following is my response to: Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

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