Adrienne Copland Your White Privilege Ends Here Councilman Andre Knight Said

Copland said of Knight’s response to Davis, “I can’t believe none of you interrupted and said, ‘Hey, point of order. Hey, we are businessmen. We are gentlemen — and we’re representing the city.’ No, no. You’re an embarrassment. I cannot believe that was allowed to go on — and it’s not the first time. (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Adrienne how in the hell do you think that the other councilmen have the right to interrupt a grown damn man who was responding to Troy Davis a Developer who came for him? Well since you say they are businessmen then when you and the others disrespect them, then you get what you get. Yes they represent the city however they are citizens of the city and have all rights to represent themselves just like they do for those who elected them. Well since you can’t believe it, get the hell over it.

“Copland said that time and time again, she has come to council meetings and she noted that there is a whole page of rules saying how citizens should conduct themselves, directing citizens not to address any council member in particular and telling citizens they could be removed from the council chambers.” (Rocky Mount Telegram)

Well damn you speak to rules of how the citizens should conduct themselves but you and your friends think you can say anything to the council and they not respond. There is not anything in the rules saying they can’t respond and I ain’t going to state it because the Mayor reads the rules before Public Comments and it does not say they can not respond. The council responds all the time but when they respond to y’all disrespect you don’t want to hear them trues.

Copland Troy Davis set the tone for the response during his comments and when he walked away from the podium he really set the tone. See why Andre Knight responded to Troy Davis by clicking on the following link Rocky Mount Councilman Responds To Troy Davis A Local Contractor.

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