Tennessee House Republicans expel 2 of 3 Democrats over guns protest

The DCN response: Democrats you better get involved and make sure you get out and vote and get others to get out and vote these Republicans out of office.

NASHVILLE — Emotions ran high in Tennessee’s Republican-controlled House on Thursday as the GOP supermajority voted 72-25 to expel Democratic Rep. Justin Jones, a Nashville freshman, and 69-26 to expel another freshman, Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, for engaging in an impromptu floor protest for stronger gun protections following the March 27 mass shooting of six children and adults at a private Christian school in Nashville.

But efforts to expel Rep. Gloria Johnson, a Knoxville Democrat, failed to get the 66 votes necessary for removal. The vote was 65-30 with seven Republican members voting against removal of the often outspoken Johnson, a retired teacher, generating cheers from hundreds of students, parents and others in the balcony galleries lining the chamber.

House galleries were packed with at least 250 students, parents and other supporters chanting "fascists" and "our House" at Republican lawmakers as they adjourned after expelling Pearson, who earlier gave a rousing speech in defense of his actions. Hundreds of others chanted outside the chamber.

Pearson told Republicans "just because you have power doesn’t give you the right to abuse it." He called it "horrible that a person elected just like you won’t say hello to you." He criticized Republicans over for failing to act to curb gun violence as well as for anti-LGBTQ laws. He also noted the House is "not a place of debate for people who are LGBTQ and who wear beautiful daishikis." (Source)

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