Edgecombe/Nash County Politics Undercover Republicans

I believe in all parties working together however I have a problem when Democrats try to play both sides.

I have no problem with Democrats inviting Republicans to events that are about making things happen for all citizens but what I do have a problem with is when Democrats goes to a Republican Party Meeting especially their Executive Committee Meetings.

There are a couple of young Black Males who are catering to Republican elected officials for their own self motives and that ain’t good. They proudly post the photos on their Facebook pages.

Well Undercover Republicans is nothing new. I talked about that when I first started attending the Edgecombe County Democratic Party Executive Committee meetings. I clearly seen the handwriting on the wall because I felt strongly that some Whites ran as a Democrat because they could not win in a county that outnumbered the Republicans. It was clear that once they were elected they showed how they pushed Republican Agenda.

Look at how the the county elected officials are nearly majority Democrat and a Black majority throughout the county. But the problem is you have some Blacks who play both sides so therefore there is a fight from within and a fight from the outside.

It is sad that the Edgecombe County majority and Black Democratic elected officials have the power but don’t use it to the highest level. What the hell good is the power and not using it?

Edgecombe County Democrats you better look around you and see who the real Democrats are and how they are representing you. You need to also check their Voter’s Registration.

There are 2 morning talk shows that cover Edgecombe/Nash Counties and daily I get information about the noise on the shows.

I quit calling into them because I tried to tell them I didn’t like their platform and that many others had spoken to me that they didn’t as well.

It is sad that the Black morning show allows some Blacks like Rev. Roosevelt Higgs and some others to call in and try to discredit our Black leadership with lies and the host/s do not correct them. See this is why I stop dealing with some folk advocates in the Black community because they are double-minded and dangerous.

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