Board lifts mask mandate for Nash County schools

The DCN News Blog Online TV response: I agree with bus driver Shondik Boone “the worst decision that Nash County schools could make.” I found Parent Shaina Anderson’s comments very interesting, ““My daughter is in first grade,” Anderson said, “and her progress report last week said she was doing well in everything but spelling and reading. I wasn’t surprised, because she can’t see the teacher’s mouth (with a mask) when she sounds out the letters. This will really benefit the children.” I am going to remember these names to see how progress is made to their satisfaction.

The Nash County Board of Education voted unanimously to make the wearing of masks in schools optional for students and staff, but masks will still be required on busses and public school-related transportation.

The board held an emergency meeting at 5 p.m. Monday in Nashville with one item on the agenda: the mask mandate. There was no public input because public comment is not part of emergency meetings, board clerk Sarita Lamm said.

Twenty-five people attended the meeting.

Before the meeting started, board Chairman William Sharpe insisted that parent Kathy Hawk “put her mask on properly” over her nose and mouth or she would be escorted from the room.

Hawk insisted that masks were no longer necessary and showed a letter to board members Franklin Lamm and Chris Bissette, but Sharpe asked that she be escorted out.

Hawk was taken out of the room by . . . (Read more)

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