I Am Really A Loner! But Most Folk Would Not Know

I have never been the one to hang out with a lot of folk. I have never liked crowds.

I have had many friends and associates but I can count the number of times I have been to their house and the same when it comes to them coming to mine. Actually I could count on one hand how many times I have been to their homes and they to mines. But we talk often and attended events, church and etc. When I went to the club, I liked sitting in the car talking to folk as they went in came out.

I have always hung around family and many times they were older.

I have a couple of folk special to me and we talk daily but we don’t visit each other. But we are there for each other when we need be.

Before the pandemic a couple of my church brothers we would go visit the sick and go out to eat regularly.

My best friend/brother that recently transitioned we didn’t visit each other homes  however he lived in Virginia but when he came here we would meet at his moma’s house, a ballgame, restaurant and elsewhere. My point is just because I talk to folk don’t mean that I know where everybody lives.

When I am not at work, at the car wash, a ballgame, in church, at a funeral or other events, i am at home on my computer. I don’t have to hang out with folk and I am good.

I am a loner but I am not alone.

One Response

  1. I can relate. I don’t feel alone but have been a loner for most of my adult life. I seldom visit and seldom have visitors, but I know a lot of people and a lot of people know of me. I have always enjoyed reading a variety of materials. In this day and time I have not suffered due to what’s going on in the world because I’ve learned to entertain myself in ways that some might think is boring. Some people have had the time to look at their situation in life because they have been made to be alone or isolated because of the pandemic. I wonder how many folks have had a revelation since they have been forced to be a loner? God is speaking!


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