QVC Rocky Mount NC – Fire, Investigation, Donations

First of all let me make it plain. I am all about helping folk and receiving help if and when needed. So what I am about to say one may feel some type a way but it is okay.

I posted earlier that I hope the QVC fire do not become political. It is my opinion it has been made political and I stand to be corrected because I know they will not see it that way.

I see where the Rocky Mount Chamber and the United Way are seeking donations and I have some concerns.

I read the following on the WRAL page: “The Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce is accepting monetary donations for the QVC employees who are without a job as a result of the fire. Checks, made payable to The Community Development Foundation of Rocky Mount.” I see WRAL has partnered also.

I understand helping employees however at this time I am having a hard time understanding the the purpose of monetary donations for employees. I am trying to figure out what did the employees lose that grant the need for monetary donations?

So what will be the criteria for receiving the money?

Please define providing financial stability for employees.

I don’t see how mentioning hurricane and tornado disasters as it relates to a place of employment damaged by fire vs people losing homes and other personal properties. In this case only the QVC facility has been affected by structural and property damage.

I have read and heard what QVC is doing for the employees in the now which is pay for up to a certain time and a one time bonus. I think that is awesome!

I would think that until all benefits have been exhausted for employees, then employees will not be able to sign up for unemployment and other.

So with that being said, so what is the purpose of The Community Development Foundation receiving funds?

I can understand if folk want to reach out to the family of the deceased. I seen where the family stated there was a Go Fund Me Page that didn’t belong to them and that they didn’t need any money.

For me the main focus should be a campaign to show QVC how much we value them being in our community and what will it take for them to rebuild. We know that the employees are covered for 6 weeks and during that time we would hope that QVC will be made a decision if they will rebuild and if they will be able to continue taking care of the employees for more weeks to come before they need to sign up for unemployment and/or seek other employment.

I have heard of some issues that were at the facility and I don’t need to go into what I heard. Since there is an investigation going on with multiple agencies, I would think all kinds of stuff will be brought to light so let’s not think that only should there be some changes on QVC behalf but the community as well.

While we are dealing with the QVC issue we need to talk about how much of a value QVC is to Edgecombe County and why need them to rebuild, we also need to look at other businesses in the area to see how the community can reach out to them to see what they need so we will not lose them. Don’t get it twisted some businesses leave and the building be still standing but they leave for other reasons.

I challenge the community to let’s not make the QVC fire political but to let’s show them how much we appreciate them and why we need them to survive. I don’t work at QVC but I drive by it everyday going to my workplace. Since Saturday morning it has been lonely heading to work and not meeting any cars on the highway coming from or going to the facility.