Although I Can’t Vote For You, You Better Recognize! When You File Or You Call Yourself A Community Leader Then Know That I Respond

I don’t have to be able to vote for you to be a engaged in trying to make sure good Democrats get elected. I have family and friends that live in your Ward or District that can vote for you and I will make sure they know what they need to know about the candidates. It is their choice who they vote for but they can’t say they didn’t know.

During election time folk reach out to me and ask me who to vote for.

Folk share information with me all the time because they don’t want to say it publicly. I hear folk say stuff all the time and I am ignant enough to say it publicly. Folk come for me about things in which 90% of the time I respond to what candidates/leaders are saying. This is why folk don’t question them. But these are the same folk who say they have no problem with being held accountable. Hell to the naw, naw, naw! It is documented how they come for me.

Just because I am a blogger and call in to local and statewide talk shows, write letters to the editor and speak out publicly, I am ignant enough to know everybody don’t like me. But you see it ain’t about me and them it is about me and him.

So candidates/leaders and whoever, I respond. I refuse to allow folk to mislead, lie and try to discredit folk. When I challenge you I doing it with facts and not based on just my opinion. I have warned folk over the years if they are running for office and it affects me directly and/or indirectly, I will hold you accountable.

I will be challenging candidates and it will be up to you to respond.

Candidates once you file it is on! Ready!

Curmilus Dancy II (Butch)

Dancy Communications Network
The DCN News Blog/Online TV

(252) 314-5484


"I have no permanent friends no permanent enemies only permanent interest!"
“I am for justice no matter who it is for or against!”

Member: Unless Specified I Am Not Speaking On Behalf Of The Following

Edgecombe County Democratic Party Precinct Chair/African American Caucus/
County & NC Democratic Party State Executive Committee
Rocky Mount NC Branch NAACP
Life Fully Paid Member 1st Vice President/Legal Redress Chair

Eastern NC Civic Group (ENCCG)
Edgecombe County Animal Services Advisory Council

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