Shaking My Damn Head Post! Hell Yeah I Said It! Slavery Then & Now!

Slavery was back then but hell the mentality from some Blacks and Whites live on Today! Some are still reaping the benefits and will be passed on from generation to generation.

Prove me wrong!

Ab so damn lute ly!

Now CD2 That!

Now Run, Run And Tell That!

#Blacklivesmatter #Iwatchedvideo
#Iamnotok #Ibeenengagedbeforenow
#Coronavirusstayfocused #Stayhome

Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020


What tickles me is folk can use scriptures and expect others to agree with them but they can disagree with you and that makes them right! Say what! SMDH!

Now Run and Tell That! Curmilus Butch Dancy II 2020