How Do You Do An Employer Disclaimer But Then Turn Around And Do A Post On What You Have Written As A Reporter For The Rocky Mount Telegram Or Adams Publishing Group?

(Employer required disclaimer: This post is my personal opinion and not reflective of the Rocky Mount Telegram or Adams Publishing Group. Furthermore, I composed this statement at home, off the clock and using my personal cellphone.)

This is a statement, not an invitation to an ongoing argument. Back in my preaching days, one of my favorite verses was about not casting pearls before swine, or in other words, not wasting good time and effort on people who won’t appreciate it. In this scenario the words of wisdom I’m providing are the pearls. The swine is, of course, is you.

I have two main points to make: You’re the two things you accuse everyone else of being. You’re a proven liar. And you’re a bigot.

First, you love to call a Special C a liar real quick. One of your favorite taglines is “lies, lies, lies.” But more often than not, what you call a lie is just an opinion or a fact you don’t agree with or like.

This is interesting and I wonder would a black reporter be able to get away with this with the climate this person has created in Rocky Mount? Lindell John Kay told me that  his boss said he let me get to him. But he told someone else that his boss said that was his 1st and final warning that he better not do it again.

Click on the following link to see the conversation from this reporter. I bet that if this had been a black reporter the white community would have been after him like they began a modern day lynching for the Rocky Mount City Manager and staff, Rocky Mount City Council and myself.

I strongly feel the Rocky Mount City Council should direct the Rocky Mount Human Relations Commission to host a series of meetings pertaining to the local media and social media issues as it relates to the climate of Rocky Mount.

In Response To Lindell Kay Rocky Mount Telegram Or Adams Publishing Group Reporter Open Letter To Me On The Rocky Mount Concerned Citizens Page My Guy, I Just Love This Guy!

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